Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Air traffic chief game

A great flash game spotted here:


The goal is to draw the routes with your mouse so that airplanes and helicopters can land w/o crashing them into each other:

Отличный сайт про хреновины

Третьего дня набрел на сайт http://hrenovina.net/ и обнаружил там целый ворох научно-популярных статей про (что бы вы думали?) разные хреновины. Вот, например, почти настоящий пепелац, и масса вариаций на тему, вот концепты кольцевого крыла, вот машина из дерева работающая на дровах, и много-много всего интересного.

Как я туда попал:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Personal aircraft concept from NASA

I commute about 2 hours every day. The place where I work, Atalasoft, is about 50 miles away, which is not that far, if you think about it. Still it takes me roughly an hour to get there if I drive safely, or perhaps 45 minutes if I do not. It would be uber awesome if I had other means of transportation. Like a train... or a personal aircraft. One of Russian expats I know bought a Sesna. He describes his experience as a different measure of freedom, just like next degree of having a car. Still, it is barely practical for commute unless you work and/or live next to a runway. Oh, wouldn't that be great if someone came up with an aircraft I could park in my backyard? Wild dreams... However, I can't help to notice that concepts become more and more practical, here is one of them:


Would I like to fly one of these? Well, crazy spinning blades next to my head and speed of 250 MPH with no hope of safe landing if something goes wrong with one of the motors? Thanks, but no, thanks. I am looking towards some sort of a hybrid of airplane and a blimp...

Smoke on the water

Japanese version of "Smoke on the water"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sepak takraw

This slightly resembles the game "Kvadrat" I used to play when I was a kid. Takraw is way way way more cool, though:

Original post:

Wiki about this game:

YouTube link to sample the game:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Office game: the word

We are playing a new office game called "The Word". The rules are:
  1. We choose a victim. Victim does not know that they are victim and will never know.
  2. We pick a word. Must be one word, not necessarily from a dictionary. Slang is OK.
  3. Whoever makes the victim say that word in a conversation wins
  4. Someone else must hear the victim said that
  5. The winner must tell the players how exactly he won a game (via e-mail)
  6. His trick must never be used again.
  7. No cheating
The good stuff - you can even play it with your boss being victim and he does not have to know that.

Upgrade: when you are done with the basic game, you can try advanced one. In advanced game you make a list, every word gets a score, and if victim mentions two (three, four...) words in the same sentence you get your score doubled (tripled, quadrupled,...).

Monday, January 18, 2010

3D fractals

If you know what fractal is, then you probably had a dream of making a 3D one. Perhaps some of you even had a dream of flying through one. It is great that some people turn their dreams into reality (links to cool fractal shots and fly-through videos follow):

BBC - The Secret Life of Chaos (2010)

A very nice BBC move on the self-organization, chaos in physics, butterfly effect and others. For religious part of the audience, this has barely anything to do with creationism critics, just a nice documentary.

You tube links (6 parts):
Source post:

Few contraversial documentaries from Russia

По общему мнению стоит смотреть «Санкт–Петербург. Сумерки нового века» и "Курск". Подводная лодка в мутной воде".

В нагрузку - неоднозначная книжка "корпорация КГБ":
Bonus - a "controversial book" Corporation KGB:

В обсуждении так же проскакивал этот фильм:
An excerpt from the thread - "Occupation 101":

P.S.: few movies are removed from youtube already...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Village

A great short movie by Mark Baker:

direct link:

First person tetris

This is rather funny implementation of tetris game:


This post is in Russian because it involves a lot of translating and I am damn lazy. This is about a girl that sets up reminders in her mobile phone to cheer herself up when needed.

Короче, мне страшно понравиласть эта идея. Я залез в Юлькин ящик и написал ей от нее же самой SMS в духе "зато ты умная и красивая а они все уроды" посреди рабочего дня. Реакция была диаметрально противоположной - Ю. решила что это спам или какое-то разводилово. Мда. Видимо фокус в том что к своей напоминалке относишься совершенно не так, как к чужой.

Тем не менее интересная идея для сервиса.


Ever since I've got married I get these less and less often. Partially because Julia cleans a lot of it, partially because she makes me clean the rest.

Few years ago, when we started living in a small apartment right under the roof of a house Cone st. Hartford, we had no dishwasher and dirty dishes tended to accumulate in the sink. On top of it, sink was tiny and entire kitchenette was only few square feet. We loved the place and landlords Susan and Jim were very nice, though.

Anyways. At certain point I said I had enough and will not do those dishes anymore. Julia said she is not my personal waitress and will not do it either. I said "whatever" and we just stopped washing dishes. We are both incredibly stubborn, so nobody cleaned the sink for three or four weeks. Then pile of dirty dishes became unbearable, I gave up and started cleaning the mess. In the bottom there was a cup full of old yolk decayed beyond recognizable condition, which had a bubble in the middle looking like an iris. So I went to Julia, demonstrated her the cup "watching her with censure" and told her about homunculus. She ran away screaming, and we do dishes 50%/50% ever since.


direct link:

New year resolution

This new year I promised myself to start blogging on family stuff, perhaps my wife Julia will be joining in as well. I have a blog at work in Atalasoft, but I think it is not the right place for 99% of stuff I am going to publish here, as well as interesting for not more than 1% for people who perhaps will be reading this blog.

Anyways. The title. The main scope of this blog is harvesting random crap (I mean the subset of it I for some reason find funny or otherwise interesting) from the internet wilderness. I was going to call it "Dan.Filtered", just like in old good FTN times. The URL is different, though, all because good thoughts come last.